Sport and Genetics

DNA kit adntro box

Discover how to get the most out of your genetics in sports and much more with the most complete DNA kit.

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Why do you have three ice creams a day and don't have a gram of fat? How does he manage to jump so much? Why are you recovering so well? These are questions that people ask themselves every day. Well, it is true that taking care of yourself and sports training are important keys to answering these questions, but they are not everything.

The potential of genetics is such that today we cannot answer all the questions that cross our minds, but we do know that there are numerous SNPs (genetic variations) associated with obesity. The most studied gene is called FTO and it has been shown that despite having a high predisposition to obesity, the body mass index can be reduced by performing intense exercise.

The same happens when we go to the world of sports. Hard training is essential, but there are people who find it easier to carry out certain sports such as strength, speed, endurance sports ... There are numerous studies carried out in this regard in recent years, but there are certain findings that we have known for a long time.

relationship between sport and genetics

One of the genetic variants associated with resistance was discovered in 1990 when they tried to explain the genetic bases of muscular dystrophy (a group of diseases that cause weakness and progressive degeneration of skeletal muscles). Later, testing genotypes (DNA "letters") between sick and healthy people found that, surprisingly, certain healthy people had the genotype that seemed to be associated with muscular dystrophy. It was then that they decided to carry out the opposite study: to study the genotype of athletic people. After various genetic studies, the implication of this gene in skeletal muscle was seen, associating the genetic variant with greater resistance and recovery capacity. However, these people have a disadvantage compared to power and speed sports since the ancestral variant provides greater skeletal power.

And you? What DNA variants do you have and how do they suit certain sports?Find out more with our DNA test or uploading your RAW DNA data!

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DNA kit adntro box

Discover how to get the most out of your genetics in sports and much more with the most complete DNA kit.

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If you have taken a test with 23andMe, MyHeritage, and others, you can upload your DNA for free at 23andMe, MyHeritage, and others.

Digestive Medicine

For digestive clinics or physicians. Provides information on the genetic predisposition to develop diseases of the digestive system- such as Chron's, Inflammatory Bowel Disease among many others - as well as intolerances. This supports a possible early diagnosis and preventionThe results of this study are very positive, allowing for more precise and personalized interventions to improve the quality of life of the patients.



The applicability and importance of the PRSs in cardio is endorsed by the American Heart Association (AHA). The applicability of PRS is made possible thanks to this tool that helps in the cardiovascular disease preventionidentifying patients with a higher genetic risk of developing conditions such as diabetes, thromboembolism, hypercholesterolemia, and coronary artery disease (CAD), among others, enabling early interventions and preventive measures to improve patients' cardiovascular health.

integrate genetics into your practice

Biobanks, Pharmacies and CROs

Access and consultation of genetic data relevant to health and pharmacology. Thanks to this tool, it is possible to know the predisposition of patients to suffer adverse effects and what dose adjustments are necessary for more than 150 drugs, thus improving safety, efficacy and treatment personalization. This information is backed by Stanford University and approved by the FDA and gives solutions for biobanksand research organizations.

integrate genetics into your practice


Specialized for dermatological clinics, this service provides information on dermatogenomicsskin sensitivities, efficacy of various topical and oral treatments, essential vitamins and minerals for skin health, dermatological conditions, skin types and more data to help you customize your skin care recommendations.

integrate genetics into your practice

Fitness and wellness centers

Genetic analysis allows design customized training programs that, by taking into account sport-focused genetic characteristics such as muscle fiber types and predisposition to injury, maximize performance and reduce the risk of injury. In addition, by considering genetic factors related to sleep and longevity, the following can be offered recommendations for a healthy lifestyle and sustainable.

integrate genetics into your practice

Nutri & Fitness

The practical application of nutrigenomics allows you to differentiate yourself from the competition by offering your patients personalized and accurate information on genetic predispositions to food intolerancesThe results of this approach allow the design of dietary plans completely adapted to the genetic profile of the patient. This approach makes it possible to design dietary plans completely adapted to the individual needs maximizing results and providing an exceptional and differentiated service in the field of nutrition.

integrate genetics into your practice


Very useful for psychiatric clinics and psychological clinics. Provides information on the genetic predisposition to develop nervous system diseases and mental disorderssuch as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and OCD, among others. This supports a possible early diagnosis and prevention of these conditions, allowing for more precise and personalized interventions for improve the quality of life of patients.

integrate genetics into your practice