Pharmacogenetics: Learn how medications affect you.

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One of the blocks that we have recently added to our platform is that of the pharmacogenetics. It is the biological discipline in charge of study the effect of genetic variability of an individual in his response to certain medications.

We are not all the same

Not all of us respond the same to medications. Our genetics can determine how effective is a drug in our body or if your side effects they may be older.

Medicines today constitute one of the main causes of adverse reactions. This is because a certain homogeneity in patients, and therefore that the effective and well-tolerated drugs in some will also be so in the rest.

But nothing is further from the truth, the truth is that they exist people who tolerate a medicine worse or what the efficiency of this is very low in your body. This happens because we are not a homogeneous group, we present a certain genetic variability that will affect how our body processes these drugs.

genetic variability

Genetics are not the only ones in the game

Although genetics will play a fundamental role, it is not the only participant. Exogenous factors as the diet or endogenous as the age you will access to: sex they will be decisive when it comes to having greater or lesser tolerance or efficacy to a certain drug.

As for the genetic part, they are the SNPs or polymorphisms are responsible for determining the outcome. They are changes in a single DNA base that create a gene variant that is more or less effective in processing a drug..


Drug tolerance

When it comes to tolerance versus a certain drug is usually enzymes in charge of metabolize it and avoid like this toxicity. If your gene variant for this enzyme produces a low drug metabolism efficiency, this will result in a increased toxicity. Thus, the drug molecule will not be expelled from the body quickly, and this toxicity can lead to side effects such as diarrhea, vomiting, bleeding, etc.

drug tolerance

Drug efficacy

Instead when it comes to effectiveness of a drug, these are gene variants that affect the drug molecule targets. If the gene variant produces a "more suitable target" the drug will have a greater effect on your body, and therefore you will need less doses to achieve the same effect. On the contrary, if your "target is not so suitable" you will need more of drug to obtain the same effect, of course, you should know your tolerance to it since you could have toxic effects for a high dose.

drug efficacy

Always check with your doctor

With all that we have seen you will have realized that it is important to know our tolerance / efficacy against drugs, but you should never vary the dose based on these results. Aunque te realices el las pruebas de ADN con ADNTRO, siempre you should consult with your doctor and transfer your pharmacogenetic results to him so that he is the one who determines how you should take your medication.

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Tired of trial and error?
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If you have taken a test with 23andMe, MyHeritage, and others, you can upload your DNA for free at 23andMe, MyHeritage, and others.

Digestive Medicine

For digestive clinics or physicians. Provides information on the genetic predisposition to develop diseases of the digestive system- such as Chron's, Inflammatory Bowel Disease among many others - as well as intolerances. This supports a possible early diagnosis and prevention. The results of this study are very positive, allowing for more precise and personalized interventions to improve the quality of life of the patients.



The applicability and importance of the PRSs in cardio is endorsed by the American Heart Association (AHA). The applicability of PRS is made possible thanks to this tool that helps in the cardiovascular disease prevention: identifying patients with a higher genetic risk of developing conditions such as diabetes, thromboembolism, hypercholesterolemia, and coronary artery disease (CAD), among others, enabling early interventions and preventive measures to improve patients' cardiovascular health.

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Biobanks, Pharmacies and CROs

Access and consultation of genetic data relevant to health and pharmacology. Thanks to this tool, it is possible to know the predisposition of patients to suffer adverse effects and what dose adjustments are necessary for more than 150 drugs, thus improving safety, efficacy and treatment personalization. This information is backed by Stanford University and approved by the FDA and gives solutions for biobanks, and research organizations.

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Specialized for dermatological clinics, this service provides information on dermatogenomics: skin sensitivities, efficacy of various topical and oral treatments, essential vitamins and minerals for skin health, dermatological conditions, skin types and more data to help you customize your skin care recommendations.

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Fitness and wellness centers

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Nutri & Fitness

The practical application of nutrigenomics allows you to differentiate yourself from the competition by offering your patients personalized and accurate information on genetic predispositions to food intolerances.The results of this approach allow the design of dietary plans completely adapted to the genetic profile of the patient. This approach makes it possible to design dietary plans completely adapted to the individual needs maximizing results and providing an exceptional and differentiated service in the field of nutrition.

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Very useful for psychiatric clinics and psychological clinics. Provides information on the genetic predisposition to develop nervous system diseases and mental disorders, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and OCD, among others. This supports a possible early diagnosis and prevention of these conditions, allowing for more precise and personalized interventions for improve the quality of life of patients.

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