
Our experts publish articles related to the exciting world of
of genetics so that you can learn and train.


genetics of emotions
Behavioural Genetics

Genetics of emotions

In this post you will discover if emotions are inherited, and what are the genes on which happiness depends.

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genetics and nutrition

Genetics and Nutrition

Surely throughout your life someone has told you that you are unique and the truth, I could not be more right. Our DNA plays that role, the role of making us unique, because, although the vast majority of DNA "letters" are the same between different people (99.9% of coincidence)

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Origins and Ancestry

Haplogroups. The mark of a great journey.

Haplogroups are an important section within the ancestry report, to get an idea of what they are, we can imagine them as the branches of the Homo sapiens family tree, so that each haplogroup includes people with similar genetic profiles who share a common ancestor.

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Learn genetics

What are SNPs?

These point variations are changes in a nucleotide (one of the four types that make up DNA: A, T, C and G). These variations in a single nucleotide are what we call SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) or polymorphisms.

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Global Screening Array
Corporate news

How do we genotype your sample? This is a Global Screening Array

At ANDTRO, the first step to begin your journey through your DNA is to take a saliva sample that we send to Eurofins Lab in Denmark for analysis. The laboratory, one of the largest genotyping centers in Europe, analyzes the sample and offers us the data that we process in ADNTRO to be able to offer you all the content that you will see in the demo of our website.

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Covid-19 Genetic resistance to the virus

Covid-19. Genetic resistance to the virus

You will undoubtedly already know that the SARS-coV-2 coronavirus, which causes the Covid-19 disease, has been a before and after for the recent history of humanity. Hundreds of thousands of people have died worldwide from this pathogen that has represented the largest global health emergency to date. However, surely you also know cases of people who have tested positive for Covid-19 and have barely had a slight cold or have not even had a single symptom. How is this possible? Why is it so lethal for some and for others just a cold?

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genetic predisposition: emperor dna

Genetic predisposition. Am I sentenced by my DNA?

Thanks to the study of your DNA that we do in ADNTRO, you will be able to know what type of foods are best for you, for which diseases you have a high genetic predisposition or if your muscles recover after exercising more or less quickly than the population average. But how should I take these results? Does this mean that I am sentenced by my own genetics?

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Start a unique journey inside your DNA

Kind regards from ADNTRO team

Digestive Medicine

For digestive clinics or physicians. Provides information on the genetic predisposition to develop diseases of the digestive system- such as Chron's, Inflammatory Bowel Disease among many others - as well as intolerances. This supports a possible early diagnosis and prevention. The results of this study are very positive, allowing for more precise and personalized interventions to improve the quality of life of the patients.



The applicability and importance of the PRSs in cardio is endorsed by the American Heart Association (AHA). The applicability of PRS is made possible thanks to this tool that helps in the cardiovascular disease prevention: identifying patients with a higher genetic risk of developing conditions such as diabetes, thromboembolism, hypercholesterolemia, and coronary artery disease (CAD), among others, enabling early interventions and preventive measures to improve patients' cardiovascular health.

integrate genetics into your practice

Biobanks, Pharmacies and CROs

Access and consultation of genetic data relevant to health and pharmacology. Thanks to this tool, it is possible to know the predisposition of patients to suffer adverse effects and what dose adjustments are necessary for more than 150 drugs, thus improving safety, efficacy and treatment personalization. This information is backed by Stanford University and approved by the FDA and gives solutions for biobanks, and research organizations.

integrate genetics into your practice


Specialized for dermatological clinics, this service provides information on dermatogenomics: skin sensitivities, efficacy of various topical and oral treatments, essential vitamins and minerals for skin health, dermatological conditions, skin types and more data to help you customize your skin care recommendations.

integrate genetics into your practice

Fitness and wellness centers

Genetic analysis allows for the design of personalized training programs that, taking into account genetic characteristics focused on the world of sports, such as muscle fiber types and predisposition to injuries, maximize performance and reduce the risk of injuries. Additionally, by considering genetic factors related to sleep and longevity, recommendations can be offered for a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

integrate genetics into your practice

Nutri & Fitness

The practical application of nutrigenomics allows you to differentiate yourself from the competition by offering your patients personalized and accurate information on genetic predispositions to food intolerances.The results of this approach allow the design of dietary plans completely adapted to the genetic profile of the patient. This approach makes it possible to design dietary plans completely adapted to the individual needs maximizing results and providing an exceptional and differentiated service in the field of nutrition.

integrate genetics into your practice


Very useful for psychiatric clinics and psychological clinics. Provides information on the genetic predisposition to develop nervous system diseases and mental disorders, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and OCD, among others. This supports a possible early diagnosis and prevention of these conditions, allowing for more precise and personalized interventions for improve the quality of life of patients.

integrate genetics into your practice

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