DNA kit adntro box

Discover your food intolerances and allergies, how your body metabolizes vitamins and minerals, personalized diets and recommendations and much more with the most complete DNA kit.

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Nutrition is a fundamental pillar to maintain good health and general well-being, as science shows with each new study published. Thanks to scientific progress, the importance of maintaining a healthy and balanced diet together with a healthy lifestyle has become a key strategy in terms of preventing diseases and feeling good.

Personalized nutrition: the importance of a good diet

However, not everyone has the same needs. Each person has unique nutritional requirements determined by biological, physiological, and even emotional factors. At the same time, these needs can be influenced by genetic factors. Genetics can play an important role in how our bodies process nutrients and how we respond to different types of foods. Therefore, knowing this information can empower you to make definitive changes in your diet and lifestyle.

What is nutrigenomics?

Nutrigenomics studies the interaction between nutrition and genetics. Nutrigenomics focuses on how nutrients and other compounds in food can affect gene expression. In other words, how genes can be activated or inhibited.

Importance of good nutrition. Nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics

What is nutrigenetics?

Nutrigenetics focuses on how each person's genetic differences can affect how we process nutrients and how this can affect our health. For example, some people may have a genetic variation that affects the way their body metabolizes caffeine. This means they may experience stronger or weaker effects of this stimulant compared to other people. Similarly, some people may have a genetic variation that increases their risk of vitamin D deficiency. These examples demonstrate how genetic differences can influence individual needs and help identify nutritional deficiencies to provide specific recommendations.

In addition to individual genetic differences, studies have also shown that people may respond differently to diets based on their genetic profile. For example, one study found that people with a specific variant responded better to a low-fat diet for weight loss than people with another variant. Similarly, there are genes that affect how our body processes fats and carbohydrates, which could affect our ability to maintain a healthy weight. All this information indicates that people could benefit from a personalized diet based on their genetic profile.

How can I know what my genes say?

Nowadays, it is very easy to have a DNA test that gives you information about your most relevant genetic variants related to nutrition and diet.. With the most innovative technology, thousands of genetic markers can be analyzed in a simple saliva sample. With the DNA TEST of ADNTRO, or uploading your RAW DNA data of another company, you will be able to see the results in a unique, didactic and intuitive way that will make it easier for you to understand and explore them as never before. In addition, you will have access to updates as science advances. 

In summary, nutrition and genetics are closely related. Nutrigenetics is an exciting emerging field that, although much remains to be investigated, can already provide valuable information about how our genetic differences can influence our needs, decisions, and behavior around food. Genetics has become another piece of the puzzle when it comes to our emotional and physical well-being, starting with diet. What are you waiting for to start your journey with ADNTRO?

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DNA kit adntro box

Discover your food intolerances and allergies, how your body metabolizes vitamins and minerals, personalized diets and recommendations and much more with the most complete DNA kit.

Use the coupon BLOG10

Already genotyped? Upload your RAW DNA for free!

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DNA test with saliva sample
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Ancestry, Nutrigenetics, Traits and Diseases,...
Already genotyped?

If you have taken a test with 23andMe, MyHeritage, Ancestry.com and others, you can upload your DNA for free at 23andMe, MyHeritage, Ancestry.com and others.

Digestive Medicine

For digestive clinics or physicians. Provides information on the genetic predisposition to develop diseases of the digestive system- such as Chron's, Inflammatory Bowel Disease among many others - as well as intolerances. This supports a possible early diagnosis and prevention. The results of this study are very positive, allowing for more precise and personalized interventions to improve the quality of life of the patients.



The applicability and importance of the PRSs in cardio is endorsed by the American Heart Association (AHA). The applicability of PRS is made possible thanks to this tool that helps in the cardiovascular disease prevention: identifying patients with a higher genetic risk of developing conditions such as diabetes, thromboembolism, hypercholesterolemia, and coronary artery disease (CAD), among others, enabling early interventions and preventive measures to improve patients' cardiovascular health.

integrate genetics into your practice

Biobanks, Pharmacies and CROs

Access and consultation of genetic data relevant to health and pharmacology. Thanks to this tool, it is possible to know the predisposition of patients to suffer adverse effects and what dose adjustments are necessary for more than 150 drugs, thus improving safety, efficacy and treatment personalization. This information is backed by Stanford University and approved by the FDA and gives solutions for biobanks, and research organizations.

integrate genetics into your practice


Specialized for dermatological clinics, this service provides information on dermatogenomics: skin sensitivities, efficacy of various topical and oral treatments, essential vitamins and minerals for skin health, dermatological conditions, skin types and more data to help you customize your skin care recommendations.

integrate genetics into your practice

Fitness and wellness centers

Genetic analysis allows for the design of personalized training programs that, taking into account genetic characteristics focused on the world of sports, such as muscle fiber types and predisposition to injuries, maximize performance and reduce the risk of injuries. Additionally, by considering genetic factors related to sleep and longevity, recommendations can be offered for a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

integrate genetics into your practice

Nutri & Fitness

The practical application of nutrigenomics allows you to differentiate yourself from the competition by offering your patients personalized and accurate information on genetic predispositions to food intolerances.The results of this approach allow the design of dietary plans completely adapted to the genetic profile of the patient. This approach makes it possible to design dietary plans completely adapted to the individual needs maximizing results and providing an exceptional and differentiated service in the field of nutrition.

integrate genetics into your practice


Very useful for psychiatric clinics and psychological clinics. Provides information on the genetic predisposition to develop nervous system diseases and mental disorders, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and OCD, among others. This supports a possible early diagnosis and prevention of these conditions, allowing for more precise and personalized interventions for improve the quality of life of patients.

integrate genetics into your practice

Start a unique journey inside your DNA

Kind regards from ADNTRO team