Surely throughout your life someone has told you that you are unique and the truth, I could not be more right.
Our DNA plays that role, the role of making us unique, because, although for the most part the DNA "letters" are the same between people (99.9% match) there are variations of a single letter (SNPs) that predispose us genetically or not to, for example, be lactose intolerantsuffering from diseases, etc.

That is why each person needs unique lifestyle habits to be able to get the most out of their genetics and if, for example, our predisposition to transport vitamin A is low, we must eat a diet rich in foods that contain vitamin A That is why it is important to understand what makes us unique.
With ADNTRO you can know your genetic fingerprint, you can know what type of metabolism you have, what kind of foods help you lose weight, the genetic predisposition to suffer from pathologies, have low levels of vitamins and minerals and adapt your diet for your own benefit.
Thanks to the scientific community and the advancement of sequencing technologies ("deciphering" the "letters" of your genetic code), more and more SNPs are associated with "irregularities" in the body. And I say "irregularities" because a genetic variation can be positive.
For example, did you know that lactose intolerance in adults is natural? The gene that synthesizes lactase (an enzyme that degrades lactose) is regulated in such a way that in mammals it is only active during the lactation stage. After this period, the gene is inactivated, being the organism incapable of degrading lactose. So you ask, how is it that most people are lactose tolerant? In ancient times, thanks to the sedentary lifestyle of our ancestors and their dedication to livestock, the regulation of this gene changed, granting the population a SNP that allows the synthesis of lactase both in the infant stage and in the adult stage.
If you want to learn more, don't miss our nutritional genetic test with which you will receive a nutritional report where you will finally be able to know how your body responds to certain foods. Remember that if you have already had a DNA test with another company, you can also upload your RAW file to ADNTRO.