How to download your RAW file from MyHeritage and upload it to ADNTRO?

DNA kit adntro box

Discover your origins and many other traits with the most complete DNA Test.

Already genotyped? Upload your RAW DNA for free!

(All the example is based on MyHeritage)

First of all, to download your data, you will need to log in to your MyHeritage account and, once on the main dashboard, click on the DNA tab. In the dropdown menu, you will find the option "Manage DNA kits". Click on "Manage DNA kits" to go to the page where you can download your RAW file.

Descargar archivo RAW de MyHeritage

On this new screen, you will see that to the right of your MyHeritage kit, there are three dots. You will need to click on them and, in the dropdown, select "Download kit". After this step, a window will open informing you about what you are about to download. Once you have read the information, click on "Continue".

Descargar RAW de My Heritage

Next, you will need to accept the MyHeritage Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and click on “Continue”. After this step, an email with instructions to download your MyHeritage RAW file will be sent to your email address.


Once you receive the instructions in your email, click on the download link, which will be valid for 24 hours only. After clicking the download link, you will be redirected to the MyHeritage website, where you will need to enter your password and start the process of downloading your RAW file by clicking the “Download” button.

How to upload your MyHeritage RAW file to ADNTRO?

Once you have found your MyHeritage RAW file on your computer, you will need to go to and click on the button that says: ‘Upload your RAW’.

Next, you will need to click the “Upload your DNA” button and start the registration process by entering your email address. You’re almost ready to upload your MyHeritage RAW file to ADNTRO!

Make sure you have accepted the terms and the privacy policy in order to upload your file, and click the “Continue” button. On the next screen, select “Browse for a file” to locate your MyHeritage DNA file on your computer. If you have already located the file, you can also drag and drop it directly without searching for it.

On the next screen, we will analyze different aspects of your sample, and once all the checks are green, you can click on «Process my sample». In the ‘Alias’ section, you can define the name you want to give your sample, in case you need to differentiate your RAW file from different companies within the same ADNTRO profile.

By following these steps, you will have your MyHeritage RAW file on the ADNTRO platform for free.

If you want to expand the content of the free report where we offer a revolutionary and innovative way to view ancestry, you will need to select the package you want to purchase.

The “Ancestry Pack” includes a comprehensive way to explore your ancestry, providing information on Population Genetics, Ethnicities and regions, Haplogroups, Ancestral composition, Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA, Heterozygosity Ratio...

The “Premium Pack” includes, in addition to the aforementioned items, reports in areas such as Nutrition, Sports, Longevity, Complex Diseases, Behavior, and Pharmacogenetics.

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DNA kit adntro box

Discover your origins and many other traits with the most complete DNA Test.

Already genotyped? Upload your RAW DNA for free!

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