What role does the MTHFR gene play in health?

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You've probably heard of MTHFR, but do you know what role the MTHFR gene plays in health? The MTHFR gene plays a key role in the breakdown (metabolism) of folate or vitamin B9 as well as allowing the creation of a compound (methyl group) necessary for methylation.

What is methylation and what role does the MTHFR gene play?

Methylation is an essential process that impacts numerous functions of the body. In this article we are going to focus mainly on the elimination of a compound called homocysteine and its relationship to the cardiovascular system.

Homocysteine is found in the blood and its increase can trigger adverse health problems, known as hyperhomocysteinemia. This situation is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, such as atherosclerosis, thrombosis and heart disease. Therefore, in order to preserve the health of the cardiovascular system, it is vital to maintain homocysteine levels within a normal range.

The MTHFR gene together with vitamin B9 and B12 plays an essential role in the methylation cycle, which is crucial for maintaining adequate homocysteine levels and obtaining methyl groups.

Role of the MTHFR gene in health

Optimizing this methylation cycle can offer significant health benefits.

Impact of MTHFR gene variants on health

The most studied variants of the MTHFR gene canb reduce enzyme activity by 20-80%. Such a reduction can negatively influence health due to impaired vitamin B9 metabolism, reduced methylation efficiency and increased homocysteine levels in the body. Especially when combined with a diet deficient in vitamin B9.

Factors modulating the effect of the MTHFR variants

Diet plays a crucial role in attenuating the impacts of MTHFR genetic variants. Foods rich in vitamin B9 rich foods, such as green leafy vegetables, legumes and fruits, are essential for those with reduced MTHFR enzyme activity. Additionally, folate supplements in the form of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate may be more beneficial than vitamin B9 supplements for individuals with these variants. It is also important to ensure adequate intake of vitamin B12 and B6, which collaborate with vitamin B9 in the methylation cycle and may help to minimize the adverse effects of reduced metabolism due to decreased MTHFR enzyme activity.

Genetic Considerations and Personalized Medicine

The presence of variants in the MTHFR gene can increase susceptibility to various diseases, particularly when diet and lifestyle are inadequate. For this reason, it is crucial to be informed about one's own genetic variants of the MTHFR gene in order to focus on proper diet and monitor homocysteine levels in the blood.

To discover your genetic variants of the MTHFR gene, try ADNTRO DNA test .

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